嘉兴威士顿电子科技有限公司成立于2012年,公司地处浙江省嘉善县,专业研发生产电能表用微型电流互感器、电压互感器,拥有五十多个品种几百种规格。公司具有独立研发能力,主要产品均拥有自主知识产权,其中内置屏蔽式抗磁干扰微型电流互感器为国内首创。公司是行业标准JB/T10665《电能表用微型电流互感器》和JB/T10667《电能表用微型电压互感器》主要起草单位之一。主要产品通过国网计量中心、国家电工仪器仪表质量监督检验中心检验合格,互感器产品及原材料全部符合欧盟RoHS(2.0版)环保要求。公司拥有标准生产厂房2200余平方米,互感器专用绕线机近200台,月产单、三相电流互感器能力达60-80万只。欢迎新老客户莅临公司参观指导,业务洽谈合作!JiaXing Wisdom Electronic Tech Co., Ltd was founded in 2012, Located in Jiashan county Zhejiang province. We specialized in researching and developing miniature current transformer and miniature voltage transformer. Now we have more than 50 series of products and over hundred of specifications. We have Independent R/ D design and manufacturing capability. As initiator of Built-in shielded magnetic interference miniature transformer, we are also the main Drafting Committee of industry standards JB/10665< Meter’ Miniature Current Transformers> and JB/T10667< Meter’ Miniature Voltage Transformers >. All products have passed the test of National Electric Instruments inspection Center. Raw materials are in conformity with the European ROHS (Environmental protection) standard.Company currently workshop more than 2200m² and have more than 200pcs dedicated current transformer winding machine and output 600,000pcs -800,000pcs per month. Welcome all friends and clients to visit our company, direct the work and discuss business.